– Chiostri di San Pietro published on the national magazine Abitare, September 2014.
– Chiostri di San Pietro published on the national magazine Abitare, September 2014.
– I Tamburi del Crostolo article published on the monthly magazine Voci di Piazza, Gualtieri, December 2013.
– Images of the peace demonstration on the Facebook page Congo Week: Break the Silence – “Settimana dedicata alla R.D. Congo”, November 2013.
– Images of the BiciBus 10th Birthady event published on Comune di Reggio Emilia’s Flickr page, October 2013.
– SAME SKIN exhibition published on Exibart’s website, May 2012.
– Article about Carlo Scarpa published on www.architetti.com and on www.italienstmehr.de, March 2012.
– Sustainable Labyrinths photographic series published on Architettare magazine, February 2012.
– Asilo published on the calendar by L’Idea di Cleves, following Contrasts competition, L’Aquila, January 2012.
– Image of Il Luminare Christmas light of Reggio Emilia published on the Italian newspaper l’Unità , 19 December 2010.
– Images published on the Pisarro gallery’s website, from September 2010.
– Frames photographic series published on www.csart.it, June 2010.
– Images published on L’Eretico magazine, December 2009.
– Images published online on website www.viaggidiarchitettura.it of the travel agency Lionetti Viaggi of Matera, from September 2007.
– Angle Grinder article and interview by Kerry Eustice about Labyrinths exhibition at the Croydon Clocktower published in News Shopper newspaper, London, 29 August 2007
– Labirinti photographic series published on www.amicidigancio.com, from February 2007.
– Academic work for the survey and restoration project of an historical ceiling in Palazzo di Ludovico Il Moro in Ferrara, published in Atlante dell’Architettura Ferrarese, by C. Di Francesco, R. Fabbri, F.Bevilacqua, Federico Motta Editore, Ferrara, 2007.
– Article about old dairies published on Primo Maggio Aiolese, Tipolitografia L’Olmo, Montecchio Emilia (RE), 2001.
Da Ravenna al mare exhibition: academic work on the master plan of the dock area, Ravenna, June 1998.
– Academic work on housing project, in Elementi di Tecnologia by A. Boeri, F. Conato, E.Mancini, Officina Ferrarese, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1996.